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Hepatitis C
HEPATITIS C can be cured NOW! Yes, you did read that right. Hepatitis C can now be cured. There is a new group of medicines

Overseas Travel Health Advice
Overseas travellers are at risk of suffering from travel-related illnesses, most of which are easily preventable. Before going on an overseas trip, it is important

Other names include dyspepsia, heartburn, or an upset stomach. People may describe a burning pain in the chest, pain coming up into the mouth, belching

Pap Smears
From the 1st of May 2017 the traditional two yearly pap smear will be replaced with a five year HPV test. HPV is the Human

Itchy Bottom
Pruritus ani is an intense anal itching, which often makes the desire to scratch irresistible. It is estimated to affect approximately 5 % of the population.

Whooping Cough
A disease caused by a bacterium called Bordatella Pertussis and it is very infectious. If someone in the house has it, there is a 90% chance

Heat Stroke
Summer will be hot and heat stroke is a real possibility. It is more likely in the elderly and those with chronic illness. It does
An introduction to Mindfulness & Relaxation
Thursday weekly in April Starts: Thursday 2nd April 2015 Time: 1-2pm Where: Euroa Medical Meeting Room Limited to 12 participants Please register at front reception
[Clinic Newsletter] September-October 2014
The September – October Clinic Newsletter 2014 is now available for you to read and enjoy.
[Clinic Newsletter] July-August 2014
The July – August Clinic Newsletter 2014 is now available for you to read and enjoy.
Increased Fee – July 2014
AS FROM 3.7.14 AN INCREASE OF FEES WILL APPLY The Medicare Rebate has increase from (Item 23) $36.30 to $37.05 (Item 36) $70.30 to $71.70 FEE
4 Steps for Life
On Thursday 26th June 2014, Brian Moffatt will present “4 Steps for Life” – Basic community information for ‘what to do’ if someone collapses in front